Fee for Service
Inside Out Nutrition operates as fee-for-service. The client must pay in full for services received. The client is responsible for submitting claims to their insurance company for reimbursement.
Payment Policy
Payment is due before the appointment and can be made via e-transfer to kristensoloway@gmail.com; or in person by cash, or cheque.
Due to the potential for insurance fraud, Inside Out Nutrition can not issue refunds. The client is responsible for understanding whether their insurance covers nutrition counselling by a registered dietitian.
Cancellation policy
48 hours notice is required for any cancellations or changes to your appointment. Patients who provide less than 48 hours notice, or miss their appointment, can be charged a cancellation fee of 50% of the appointment fee.
Late policy
If a client is late for their appointment, the session fee remains in full and due to scheduling commitments, the appointment will likely be limited to the original end time.
Accuracy of Information
You get the best advice when you avoid intentional omissions and falsehoods. It is important to provide a complete and accurate account of any medical conditions and medication use.
Collection, Use, Disclosure and Retention of Personal Information
Inside Out Nutrition needs to collect personal, health and lifestyle information such as contact information, dietary habits and medical history, relevant to the provision of nutrition services.
Client information is kept confidential. Dietitians are legally bound to break confidentiality when the law requires report (for example, if a child is being abused).
Client consent is needed before Inside Out Nutrition can retrieve or send information to any of your other health care providers. Consent for sharing or retrieving information can be retracted at any time.
Inside Out Nutrition is required to retain health records for a minimum of 10 years from the date of the last entry (and for pediatric clients; a minimum of 10 years and 2 years past the date the client becomes 18 years old).
Inside Out Nutrition stores client information securely with the online platform, Practice Better. Paper records are not kept.
Any future staff (e.g. partner dietitians, future administrative staff), service providers (e.g. accountants, insurance providers), interns or students of Inside Out Nutrition, who access your information would also be bound by confidentiality and only access the minimal information needed to complete their task.
Access to Information
Clients have the right to request access to their files and review the information in their files at any time. This may involve a cost-based fee. Inside Out Nutrition will not provide access to your file or segments of your file if to do so would be detrimental to your well-being. In the case of a disagreement with the information your my file, either a correction will be made or the disagreement will be noted.
Clients may review and/or ask questions about the Privacy Policy of Inside Out Nutrition at any time, and it is posted in full on the Inside Out Nutrition website.
Consent to Nutrition Assessment and Treatment
You, the client, are paying for the service of Medical Nutrition Therapy from a Registered Dietitian, not desired outcomes (e.g. changes to weight or cholesterol level). Medical Nutrition Therapy involves nutrition education and lifestyle counselling to support health and wellness.
The advice received is designed to meet the client's individual personal health needs. It is NOT suitable for any other individuals and will not be transferred, copied or sold to another person.
Registered Dietitians are not medical physicians; thus cannot dispense medical advice, nor diagnose or treat any medical condition. Dietitians provide nutritional counselling and nutrition education for an already diagnosed condition.
Nutrition counselling is not a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or care of disease by a medical provider.
Please tell your practitioner if:
• You are not comfortable with the treatment
• You do not understand the treatment or terminology your dietitian is using
• You do not agree with the treatment
• The treatment plan is working (or not) for you
• You experience discomfort or other symptoms during or following treatment
In order to benefit from nutrition counselling, it is important for the client to inform their physician or Inside Out Nutrition of any changes made in the application of diet (and with diabetes clients: medications and physical activity levels as well). It is the client's responsibility to report any side effects or problems immediately and to make the necessary adjustments to your treatment plan with my physician and/ or Inside Out Nutrition.
Clients can not hold Inside Out Nutrition responsible for any complications that result from failure to comply with any of the above.
Medical Nutrition Therapy is only provided with consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time, which would immediately end services.
Pediatrics and Youth
Health records for pediatric clients must be retained for a minimum of 10 years and 2 years past the date the client becomes 18 years old. For example, for a client seen when they are 8 years old, records would need to be retained for 12 years (10 years plus additional 2 years past the date the client turns 18).
Family appointments are always welcome.
However, Inside Out Nutrition acknowledges the potential desire of youth to have privacy.
Youth under the age of 18 have the right to access health care and make decisions about their health care. The regulated health professionals of Inside Out Nutrition (at this time only being Kristen Yakimishen, RD), will investigate each pediatric case on a case-by-case basis. Generally, under this policy, youth aged 12 and older are deemed capable of taking part in private health care and making health care decisions independent of their parent’s consent or approval or knowledge, unless the health professional of Inside Out Nutrition assesses the youth to not be a mature minor, or in other words, assesses that the child does not have the capability to understand information relevant to a treatment decision and to appreciate the reasonably foreseeable consequences of a decision or lack of decision.
Children under the age of 12, or otherwise deemed to not be mature minors, will need their parent or legal guardian’s consent for treatment from Inside Out Nutrition (participation in nutrition therapy). This consent can be withdrawn at any time (which also immediately ceases services).
Inside Out Nutrition encourages and welcomes minors to be involved in their care.
A ‘mature minor’ rule, is defined as “capable of fully appreciating the nature and consequences of medical treatment [and] can give legally effective consent” as stated by the Canadian Pediatric Society quoting: Osborne PH. The consent of minors. In: Irvine JC, Osborne PH, Shariff M, eds. Canadian Medical Law: An Introduction for Physicians, Nurses and other Health Care Professionals. Toronto, Ont. Thomson Reuters, 2013:44.
This policy was derived from these resources:
Manitoba. Law Reform Commission. Substitute consent to health care (Report ; #110). Retrieved Dec 16, 2021, from http://www.manitobalawreform.ca/pubs/pdf/archives/110-full_report.pdf
Canadian Pediatric Society Position statement (April 12, 2018):
Medical decision-making in paediatrics: Infancy to adolescence
The Manitoba Association for Rights & Liberties document:
Under 18 Handbook: A Legal Guide For Manitoba Teens
From this document, Inside Out Nutrition derives that it is inappropriate to administer Medical Nutrition Therapy to a child under the age of 12 even if they consent.